La SDG Academy nos ofrece el nuevo curso online y gratuito «Sustainable Cities», dirigido por Aroma Revi, director del Instituto Indio de Asentamientos Humanos (IIHS). Matrícula abierta
Programa del curso:
WEEK 1 The Urban Opportunity
WEEK 2 How does the city function?
WEEK 3 How can we reduce urban poverty and make cities inclusive and safe?
WEEK 4 How can we make cities productive and reduce inequality?
WEEK 5 How can we improve human development in cities?
WEEK 6 How can we provide universal urban services and infrastructure?
WEEK 7 How can the urban environment be protected?
WEEK 8 How can we achieve urban resilience?
WEEK 9 How can cities and urban areas be governed better to make them more sustainable?
WEEK 10 Who can enable and implement this change?